This month in rustsim #11 (April - May 2020)

Welcome to the tenth edition of This month in rustsim! This newsletter will provide you with a summary of important update that occurred within the rustsim community. This includes in particular updates about the nphysics (physics engine), salva (fluid simulation), ncollide (for collision-detection), nalgebra (for linear algebra), and simba (for abstract algebra) crates. This eleventh edition will contain updates for the months of April and May 2020.

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Make nphysics 0.16 deterministic with fixed-point numbers!

Starting with the version 0.16, nphysics2d and nphysics3d can be used with fixed-point numbers as their scalar type. This allows you to use fixed-point numbers from the simba crate (which wraps fixed-points numbers from the fixed crate) as the scalar type N of all the nphysics entities. This will result in cross-platform determinism of the simulation.

This work was made possible by a GitHub sponsorship dedicated to the implementation of this feature.

Cross-platform determinism means that two scenes initialized in the exact same ways (including the same insertion order of bodies/colliders) on two different machines/platforms will result in the exact same simulation result. This is generally not possible with conventional hardware-accelerated floating point numbers like f32 or f64 because different processors may process float operations with different levels of internal accuracy. This problem is avoided by using fixed-point numbers. In order to make the simulation work with fixed-point numbers it is necessary to:

  1. Enable the improved_fixed_point_support cargo feature of nphysics. This will enable some numerical stability improvements that can have a slight negative performance impact when enabled. They are necessary for fixed-point numbers to work.
  2. Enable the partial_fixed_point_support cargo feature of simba, otherwise you won't have access to the simba fixed-point types.
  3. Use at least 24 bits for the decimal part of the number. I tested mostly with simba::scalar::FixedI40F24 and simba::scalar::FixedI32F32.
  4. Be careful with the size of the colliders and the mass of the bodies. These should not be too large or too small to avoid overflow or underflow of the fixed-point numbers. The exact valid range depends on the actual fixed-point numbers you use. See the nphysics demos on the examples2d and examples3d directories to get an idea of what dimensions work. It is possible to experiment with various scalar types on the nphysics demos by changing the type alias type Real = ...; on the and demo files.

The support of fixed-point numbers is considered experimental because it needs more testing in real-world applications. So far most of the testing was done with the nphysics demos. Any non-deterministic behavior (even cross-platform) will be considered a bug when using fixed-point numbers.

About the new cordic crate

In order to make nphysics work with fixed-points numbers, it was necessary to implement various special function, namely sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2, exp, sqrt for fixed-point numbers. They have been implemented using algorithms based on the CORDIC method, available on the new cordic crate.

Fixed-point compatibility of simba, ncollide, and nalgebra

  • The simba crate has the partial_fixed_point_support cargo feature. This will allow you to use all the simba::scalar::Fixed* types. These aliases follow the naming convention of the type the wrap on the fixed crate. Note however that this fixed-point number support is only partial. Even though the simba::scalar::RealField trait is implemented for these numbers, most of their special functions are just filled with undefined!(). The methods that are not undefined!() are these needed by nphysics itself and implemented in the new cordic crate.
  • The ncollide2d/ncollide3 crates now have an improved_fixed_point_support cargo feature is well. This will also enable some numerical stability improvements for fixed-point numbers.

Note that this also means that nalgebra itself is now compatible with fixed-point numbers. Most transformation types, as well as matrix decompositions will work too (as long as your input do not cause any overflow/underflow).

Other changes unrelated to deterministic physics

Changes in nalgebra

A few features were added to nalgebra v0.21.1:

  • It is now possible to build a Cholesky decomposition without checking that its input is positive-definite using Choleksy::new_unchecked. Not having these checks also remove all branching from the Cholesky decomposition, making it suitable to the use with SIMD types for, e.g., building the Cholesky decompositions of four matrices at once using a Matrix4<simba::simd::f32x4>.
  • Thanks to the contribution of m-ou-se, the Default trait is now implemented for matrices, and quaternions. They are all filled with zeros, except for UnitQuaternion which is initialized with the identity.
  • Thanks to the contribution of fredrik-jansson-se, it is now posible to compute the matrix exponential with matrix.exp().

Changes in the nphysics

  • It is now possible to retrieve the number of BodyPart that compose a Body using body.num_parts(). This allows you to iterate through all the parts on a loop like for i in 0..body.num_parts() { let part = body.part(i); ... }.
  • Thanks to the contribution of m-ou-se the testbeds of nphysics nphysics_testbed2d and nphysics_testbed3d can now be used with scalar types other than f32.


I would like to thank the whole community and contributors. In particular, thanks to the contributors from the past two months1:

  • Thanks to users reporting spelling mistakes on the documentation. This is always appreciated.
  • Thanks to users joining us on our discord server to provide feedbacks, discuss features, and get assistance!

Finally, thanks to all the former, current and new patrons supporting me, sebcrozet, the lead developer of the current crates part of this organization on patreon or GitHub sponsors! This help is greatly appreciated and allows me do spend a significant amount of time developing those crates.

  1. The list of contributors is automatically generated from the past two months' github commit history. Don't hesitate to let us know if your name should have been mentioned here.